The FEI Youth Jumping Competition (28 June to 3 July 2022) will follow the same format as the Equestrian Competition at the Youth Olympic Games, with 30 athletes from 30 nations across six continents participating in team and individual competition. All Athletes will compete on borrowed horses provided by the Organiser.
Rules for FEI Youth Games 2022 to follow
ACES has approved a JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP and a CHILDREN’S CHAMPIONSHIP in Algeria in September 2021. The competition will be on Borrowed Horses – and there will be a horse draw, and the competition will be run according to the published rules in January 2019 by ACES.
Qualification requirements are to be determined by the NF, due to the problems with COVID restrictions in 2020. This is an unusual stipulation, and will not apply to future Championships. The competition will be run under CSI rules and Nationality rule will apply.